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SPA Relax & Love

A romantic gateway in Florence

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Ponte VecchioFlorence

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8 October

8 October is a special day for the Florentines: a colourful procession unfolds along the streets of the historic centre. Citizenship in fact celebrates the Feast of Santa Reparata, who would have intervened providentially during the Battle of Fiesole in AD 406. According to tradition, the help of the saint allowed the Florentines to reject the advance of the Goths of Radagaiso, making Christianity triumph definitively in Florence.

In memory of that important event, on 8 October each year a costume parade moves from Piazza di Parte Guelfa and arrives in the crypt of Santa Reparata, the ancient cathedral of paleo-Christian origin.

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By booking on this website you will have the following gifts:

  • Complimentary soft drinks from the minibar
  • A 10% discount for the private SPA
  • Late check-out at 2pm upon availability 

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